IBM-SEWA Cognitive Workshop
Cognitive Computing Workshop
2 October 2015, 08:30 - 16:00 Huxley Lecture, Theatre 311, South Kensington Campus, Imperial College London
- 8:15 Welcome and Opening (Maja Pantic, Alessandra Russo)
- 8:30 Keynote
The new HPC: Large-scale machine learning (Guruduth Banavar, VP Cognitive Computing, IBM Research; Chair: Maja Pantic, Imperial College London)
Morning Session (Chair: Alessandra Russo, Imperial College London)
- 9:15 The New HPC: Large-scale machine learning (Vijay Saraswat, IBM Research - Watson)
- 9:45 Cognitive Knowledge Acquisition (Michael Loizos, Open University of Cyprus)
- 10:15 A Distributional Theory of Content for NLP (Mark Steedman, University of Edinburgh)
- 10:45 Audio and textual analysis of sentiment (Bjoern Schuller, Imperial College London)
- 11:15 Affect and sentiment analysis for facial expressions (Maja Pantic, Imperial College London)
- 11:45 Break
- 12:00 Panel 1:
Theory Frontiers for Cognitive Computing (Moderator: Dr. Eleni Pratsini, IBM Research - Dublin; Speakers: Vijay Saraswat, Loizos Michael, Mark Steedman, Bjoern Schuller, Maja Pantic)
- 12:45 Lunch
Afternoon session (Chair: Maja Pantic, Imperial College London)
- 13:45 The Cognitive City...... (Julie McCann, Imperial College London)
- 14:15 Cognitive Applications in Health and Social Care (Lea Deleris, IBM Research - Dublin)
- 14:45 Break
- 15:00 Panel 2:
Cognitive Computing: Advanced Applications & Industry potential (Moderator: Dr. Eleni Pratsini, IBM Research - Dublin; Speakers: Julie McCann, Lea Deleris, Murray Shanahan, Costas Bekas, Rashik Parmar (IBM UK))
- 15:45 Closing Note -- Costas Bekas, IBM Research - Zurich